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多 點 組 播英文

"多 點 組 播"怎麼讀


  • ip multicast
  • "多點" 英文翻譯 :    multiple spot; multipoint
  • "組" 英文翻譯 :    group
  • "播" 英文翻譯 :    a surname
  • "播" 英文翻譯 :    播名詞(姓氏) a surname 播武 bo wu
  • "多" 英文翻譯 :    Ⅰ形容詞1.(數量大) many; much; more 請你多多幫助。 please give me all the help you can. 人多議論多 , 熱氣高, 干勁大。 more people mean a greater ferment of ideas, more enthusiasm and more energy. 他在這城里認識的人非常多。 he knows a great many people in this city. 我們還有很多工作要做。 we have a lot more work to do.2.(比原來的數目有所增加) more than the correct or required number; too many 你多給了我兩個。 you gave me two too many. 他多喝了一點。 he's had a drop too much. 她話說得太多。 she talks too much. 我在那里多住了幾天。 i stayed there a few days longer.3.(過份的; 不必要的) excesive; too much 多疑 oversensitive; oversuspicious; given to suspicionⅡ數詞(用在量詞前表示概數) 他曾多次訪問大連。 he's visited dalian many times. 鐵有多種用處。 iron has a variety of uses.Ⅲ助詞(用在數量詞后,表示有零頭) more; over; odd 四個多月 more than four months; four months and more; 50 多歲 over fifty years old; 全書2,000 多頁。 it's a book of 2,000-odd pages.Ⅳ動詞(超出原有的或應有的數量或限度) exceed a number 多一個人就多一分力量。 if we get one more person, we will become stronger. 南方多水, 利于灌溉。 irrigation is easy in the south because of the abundance of water. 這個句子多了一個字。 there is one word too many in this sentence.Ⅴ名詞(姓氏) a surname 多軍 duo junⅥ副詞1.(用在疑問句里,問程度、數量) 你女兒多大了? how old is your daughter?2.(用在感嘆句里,表示程度很高) 多美的聲音啊 ! what a beautiful voice! 看她多精神! look how energetic she is!3.(表示任何一種程度) 給我一根繩子, 多長都行。 give me a piece of rope; any length will do. 有多大勁使多大勁。 use all your strength.4.(相差程度大) much more; far more 難得多 much more difficult; 病人今天好多了。 the patient is much better today. 他比我年紀小得多。 he is younger than i by much.; he is much younger than i
  • "組" 英文翻譯 :    Ⅰ名詞1.(由不多的人員組成的單位) group 骨干小組 a ginger group; 40歲到50歲的年齡組 the age group between 40 and 502.(姓氏) a surname 組健 zu jianⅡ動詞(組織) organize; form 改組 reorganize; reshuffle; 重組貨源 reorder goodsⅢ量詞(用于事物的集體) set; series; suite; battery 一組舞曲 a suite of dance music; 一組透鏡 a battery of lenses; 一組郵票 a set of stamps
  • "a點" 英文翻譯 :    point a
  • "點" 英文翻譯 :    Ⅰ名詞1.(液體的小滴) drop (of liquid) 雨點 raindrops2.(細小的痕跡) spot; dot; speck 墨點 ink spots; 污點 stain3.(漢字的筆畫“、”) dot stroke (in chinese characters)4.(小數點) decimal point; point: “3.5”讀作“三點五”。 “3.5”is read as “three point five”.5.[數學] (幾何學中指沒有長、寬、厚而只有位置的幾何圖形) point 基準點 datum point [mark]; 兩線的交點 the point of intersection of two lines6.(一定的地點或限度) place; point 沸點 boiling point; 居民點 residential area; 突破一點 make a breakthrough at one point; 以點帶面 promote work in all areas by drawing upon experience gained at key points7.(事物的方面或部分) aspect; feature 從這點上去看 view from this aspect; 特點 characteristic feature; 重點 focal point; stress; 對這一點沒人懷疑。 nobody has any doubt about that.8.(規定的鐘點) appointed time 誤點 behind time; delayed; late; 正點 on time; 到點了, 快走吧! the time is up. let's go quickly.9.(點心) light refreshment 茶點 tea and cake; tea; 早點 breakfastⅡ量詞1.(表示少量) tiny amount; a little; a bit; some 吃一點東西 get [have] something to eat; 覺得有一點冷 feel a little bit cold; 還有一點希望。 there is a little hope. 他學過一點拉丁語。 he learned a bit of latin.2.(用于事項) 我有幾點不成熟的想法。 i have some tentative suggestions.3.(時間單位, 一晝夜的二十四分之一) o'clock 上午九點鐘 nine o'clock in the morning; 現在幾點了? what time is it now?4.[印刷] (計算活字及字模的大小的單位) point, a unit of measurement for typeⅢ動詞1.(用筆加上點子) put a dot 點個逗號 make a comma; 點三個點表示省略 put three dots to show that something has been omitted2.(觸到物體后立刻離開) touch lightly as with finger, brush or rod; touch on very briefly; skim 蜻蜓點水 dragonflies skimming (over) the water; 他用篙一點就把船撐開了。 he pushed the boat off with a shove of the pole.3.(向下稍微動一動立刻恢復原位) nod 她友好地向我點頭。 she nodded to me in a friendly fashion.4.(使液體一滴滴地向下落) drip 點眼藥 put drops in the eyes5.(點播) sow in holes; dibble 點豆子 dibble beans6.(一個個地查對) check one by one 點貨 check over goods; take stock; 點人數 count the number of people; 請你把錢點一點。 please check and see if the money is right.7.(在許多人或事物中指定) select; choose 我們點了四塊牛排。 we ordered four beefsteaks.8.(指點; 啟發) hint; point out 一點他就明白了。he quickly took the hint.9.(引著火) light; burn; kindle 點燈 light a lamp; 他是火爆性子, 一點就著。 he's got a fiery temper and flares up at the slightest provocation
  • "tbs播" 英文翻譯 :    tbs radio & communications
  • "播 (迷失)" 英文翻譯 :    pilot (lost)
  • "冬(播)大麥" 英文翻譯 :    winter barley
  • "實況廣(轉)播" 英文翻譯 :    ob outside broadcast
  • "意 傳 播 表" 英文翻譯 :    wild list
  • "差得 多" 英文翻譯 :    fall short by a large amount
  • "多-思萬" 英文翻譯 :    santosh sivan
  • "多…噸" 英文翻譯 :    m/ t are over; m/t are over
  • "多,復合" 英文翻譯 :    poly,multi,mult
  • "多數, 多" 英文翻譯 :    pluri-
  • "最大(多)" 英文翻譯 :    max maximum,the most
  • "mrd組" 英文翻譯 :    minimal reacting dose group mrd group; mrd group
  • "n組" 英文翻譯 :    n tuple
  • "補體;組" 英文翻譯 :    complement
  • "隊,組" 英文翻譯 :    team
  • "排,組" 英文翻譯 :    gang
多 點 組 播的英文翻譯,多 點 組 播英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯多 點 組 播,多 點 組 播的英文單字,多 点 组 播的英文多 点 组 播 meaning in English多 點 組 播怎麼讀,英文發音,英文拼音,例句,用法和解釋由查查在綫詞典提供,版權所有違者必究。